1)In 1995, one of India’s largest industrial conglomerates, M/s Godrej Sara Lee Limited (GSLL), was looking to enter the domestic mosquito repellent market. Mr. Matlani entered into lengthy negotiations with GSLL and eventually decided to sell his trademark for Rs 300 million (approximately US $6.5 million at the time).What is the name of the company that he sold to GSLL.
2)Apple has come out with a new product called the ipolaroid, where 3-second videos can be printed on sheets and can be played over and over again without any battery or electrical input. Can this be patented?
Yes, this idea is unprecedented
No, this is copied from Harry Potter
No, this seems to be expensive
No, this does not help in the alleviation of poverty.
3)In his public speech (2012), Jack had copied an entire text of Naman Sehgal’s famous essay about Mughals written in 1943. Jack knew that Naman Sehgal died in 1950. Some members of the local history society came up claiming that he has infringed Naman Sehgal’s copyright over his essay. Can this claim be sustained?
Yes, because Naman Sehgal was a well-known personality.
Yes, because the entire essay was copied.
No because the copyright over the essay had expired
No because Naman made this statement in a public speech
4)Rohan gets the idea to make a list of all the students in the class in an alphabetical order in order to record their projects name in front of it. When Ishita started making similar list for another subject, Rohan objected stating that he owns copyright over such list and Ishita cannot use it. Is Rohan, right?
Yes, because he made the list first.
Yes, because he got the idea to make the list.
No because mere facts cannot be copyrighted.
No because his work was not creative
5)Kazuyuki Ito developed a software, KISSonix HDFX, which could convert audio from a regular source into 3D Audio. All this could be done without any additional investment on new equipments. He applied for a trademark to protect the name of the company – KISSonix. However, when it came to the core software, Mr. Ito was of the opinion that it would be very difficult for the third parties to reverse engineer it. Which mode of IP protection did Mr. Ito seek to protect the software?
Trade secret
6)In 2011, a crested macaque, named Naruto, clicked selfies using David Slater’s (a British Photographer) camera. Subsequently several questions and issues pertaining to the copyright ownership on the photograph were raised and thus began the famous monkey selfie copyright dispute. What was the ruling of the US appeals court in this regard?
The case was dismissed as animals do not have a standing under the Copyright law.
The crested macaque, Naruto, was awarded the copyright.
It was held that David Slater owned the copyright on the photograph.
None of the above
7)In 1998, a German car manufacturer purchased the assets of Rolls Royce and Bentley for about $900 million. However, the German automaker did not realise until after the deal closed that the IP assets did not include the right to use the Rolls Royce trademark as the mark was owned by another car maker. The German automaker had therefore acquired all the rights necessary to manufacture the car, but did not have the right to brand it as a Rolls Royce. This is cited as a case of faulty IP due diligence during M&A deals.
Which German car maker is being referred to here?
8)The long running patent dispute between Apple and Samsung, for copying the features from iPhone, is one of the most famous IP disputes. Throughout the course of litigation, Samsung was ordered to pay several hundred millions of dollars to Apple for IP infringement. However, both Apple and Samsung finally decided to mutually settle the dispute last year. Which of the protected aspects of iPhone were under dispute?
Apple’s Patent on Tap to zoom and bounce-back scrolling
Apple’s design patent covering home button, clean front, rounded corners, and uniform bezel
Apple’s design patent on iOS icon grid.
All of the above
9)Carrie opens a small coffee shop in a small Colorado town and names it ‘Grounds’. Charlie owns a large commercial landscaping business in Los Angeles also named ‘Grounds’. Charlie’s company has been around for six years, while Carrie’s business is brand new. Both companies claim a trademark to this name, but neither has registered the name. When Googling his company, Charlie discovers Carrie’s small business and sues her for trademark infringement. What is the likely result?
Charlie will win his suit against Carrie because she used his company name without asking him..
Carrie will win this suit because Charlie never registered the name.
Carrie will win this suit because Charlie can’t prove that he owns a legal and protected mark.
Charlie will win his suit against Carrie because his company has been around much longer, and is much bigger.
10)Emily, who is an old classmate of the player, remembers that the player was great at IPR in school. She calls the player at the Office, and tells the player the problem she’s facing at work. She tells the player that she worked full-time at a company called Mufflers and Co. As a part of her job, she designed a sales brochure for the company. Before the brochure could be printed and distributed, Emily lost her job. The company went ahead and printed the brochures.
Can Emily sue the company for infringement of her copyright?
No, the company owns the copyright to the brochure as She was an employee when she made the brochure for the company
No,She can’t sue the company because she is not an employee anymore.
Yes, She designed the brochures therefore the company has infringed her rights
None of the above three options.