It's the FINAL COUNTDOWN. Only 24hrs left! Govt. is conducting Patent Agent Exam after 2 years. Next Exam could be after 2 years or more-we never know!
Patent agent examination is one of the most awaited exam in India for which every year thousands or even lakhs of aspirants try their luck and only few come up with flying colors.
The reason behind this overwhelming response to this exam can simply be explained by its role in the market that what a patent agent do.
A patent agent or patent attorney (in some jurisdictions) is a representative of inventor and/or applicant of patent who has the specialized qualifications necessary as per the law of the territory. He provides assistance with the patent application process to inventors who are interested in obtaining a patent for an invention. To become a patent agent one has to qualify Indian Patent Agent Exam.
A patent agent is not bound to work only in offices or some institutions, he/she can themselves open their own centre to help the firms to get their innovations registered. And the most interesting part is everyone associated with different streams like Ph.Ds, Masters & Bachelors in Science, Pharma & Engineering Streams are eligible for the exam.
In order to qualify the Indian Patent Agent Examination, a candidate shall be required to secure aggregate of 60% marks from all papers is needed.
ISERD India has now decided to become a bridge between this exam and your success by providing Membership to our exclusive content related to the exam. Your membership will provide access to Free E-Book of PAE (Part 1 & Part II), free case studies, online journals related to IPR etc.
ISERD India is connected with dozens of registered patent agents who are willing to help our students at free of cost. So, let’s not waste the more time and use this lockdown time efficiently by holding our hands.