International Trade and IPR Quiz 2020
Trade and business being one of the oldest source of financial uprising of human life without which survival in this world is almost next to impossible. Boundaries are narrowed and differences are reduced when world adopted these strategies of multilateral-ism and globalization. And, with this never ending global needs, multilateral trade grabbed it’s seat at the top of the world policies.
In order to connect the regulation of trade in goods and services with the importance of intellectual property and its integration with trade, ISERDIndia-Intellectual’s Society for Entrepreneurship and Research Development and Tamil Nadu Technology Development and Promotion Centre an autonomous society of Confederation of Indian Industry is going to organize an International Trade and IPR Conference 2020, India’s largest virtual conference on September 15- 16, 2020.
Hurry up !!! Register for the International Trade and IP Quiz, where you can test your knowledge and can earn cash prizes worth 5000 INR/-
Let’s learn in the International Trade and IPR Conference first and use the learnings by our subject experts to win the international quiz. International level certification of participation to everyone.
So, don’t miss the opportunity of earning prizes while learning.

Guidelines for the International Trade and IPR Quiz 2020
The quiz will be conducted online and will be a timed quiz.
- There will be 20 questions related to the theme, “International Trade and IPR” based on the learnings from International Trade and IPR Conference 2020. The time given will be 7 minutes.
- There will be no negative marking for the quiz.
- An individual can participate only once in the quiz.
- The winners will be selected on the basis of maximum number of correct answers in the minimum time.
- Certificate of participation will be generated to each individual after the completion of the quiz on the email mentioned at the time of registration.
- Cash prizes worth 5000 INR will be given to the top three individuals.
- The registration fee for the quiz per individual is 50 INR.
- The quiz will be held on 17 September, 2020, and the link for the same will be active only for 45 minutes. No queries will be entertained regarding network issues or any other external issue.
- The below mentioned link in yellow button will be active from 07:30 PM until 08:15 PM on 17 September 2020.
- ISERDIndia reserves the right to cancel the registration of an individual at any time for any misconduct or unfair means.
- The individual has to provide the following details at the time of registration; Name, Contact Number and email.