Attempt & Get Free E-Certificate
As every crisis comes with an opportunity. As each one of you is fighting tough against COVID-19 while getting locked down inside, henceforth ISERDIndia presents an opportunity to learn about the DOs and DONTs at the time of crisis. The key to success is having basic knowledge and awareness about the enemy you are fighting with. Team ISERDIndia is working in these tough times to make you feel better and thus giving tribute to the COVID-19 warriors. We understand that it’s not easy to be at home for such a long period but we all have to win this together. It’s always small pieces that turn out to be a big picture, therefore our small efforts will defeat this contagion and we will again live free. Here we present a COVID-19 puzzle, can be attempted for FREE from any platform(Mobile, Laptop, Desktop etc.). Unlimited number of participants can attempt. Attempt the puzzle and earn a free E- Certificate.